The Dukaw Name Collection was created for us to learn, know and appreciate our tribal names. Traditionally, we name baby girls on the third day, and baby boys on the fourth day after birth. The tribes use various means of naming children. We have seen names based on events, timing, nature, birth order and the ancestors. Some people even wait for the dream that reveals a child's name - usually an ancestor saying that he/she is returning.
As you browse the collection, you realize that our names are thoughtful, they are interesting and revealing. They tell who we are and how we think. They show the dreams and aspirations that parents have for their children. We also see the qualities of a child and reflections of the parents and family. Physical description, the hands of God, our emotions, and our relationships are also present.
This name collection is the labor of Dukaw/LiberiaInfo volunteers and partners who worked hard searching for names from multiple sources and people. The collection has published over 400 names. More names are being reviewed and will be published after verification. Our Bassa contributors have done a great job and we have more Bassa names than most of the other tribes combined. We hope our Dey, Kru, Gio, Kpelleh, Gbande and other contributors will catch up.
The collection is published weekly to reflect site updates and new names. If your entries are not published, that means they are still under review. Like the rest of Dukaw and LiberiaInfo, this site is open to feedback and contributions. We therefore look forward to growing The Dukaw Name Collection with your help and effort.